Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Devil in the White City Blog #3

The fair brought not only new inventions but also new people. It was a way for America, and other countries, to experience the world's cultures all in one day/ visit, such as the Japanese opera. It was also a chance for America to see the new inventions that each country had to display, such as the light bulb. Another thing was, the World Fair was a way for countries to display their military advancements, such as their weapons and ships. One of the most obvious ways the Chicago World’s Fair changed America is the plethora of inventions that came out of it. The most prolific invention to come out of the fair was the Ferris Wheel. A structure of monstrous proportions, no one had ever seen anything like it before. Set upon thin rails of steel and turning on solid 45 feet long steel axis, people were doubtful that it would work. Chains and bars were even put on the windows to keep distressed men and women from jumping to their death. Trained operators were put in every car to soothe even the most scared and horrified passengers. This was also the first time many Americans had ever seen an electrified appliance. Speaking of electricity, it wasn’t new. Most towns had electricity powered streetlights in downtown. People had seen it before. The real invention of the use of electricity in the fair was the sheer magnitude of electricity being used; far more than enough to power Chicago itself. At night, lights would flicker on one by one until the whole of the White City was illuminated in dazzling light. The Fair great impacted the generation then and continued going prevalent to see through even today’s generations.  The ideas that were presented their at the Chicago World Fair were large advancement for dance and music up to big mechanical and energy related inventions that would shock and rocket the people into creative bounds for the future.  The World’s Columbian Exposition established a Neo-Classical revival in Chicago and across America brings new ideals and a whole new meaning behind creativity and creation.  It was a phenomenon, globally as each culture from around the world brought their bits and pieces of culture, fashion, food, transportation, music, dancing, and ways in which architecture was viewed and whether it was important or not. There was also many figures that were critically influenced by the Fair. One is Burnham who became a very famous and influential architect for many buildings around the country after the World's Fair. Also Walt Disney's father was a part of the fair, and his ideas greatly influenced Walt Disney. Walt probably obtained many ideas for Disney Land from the Chicago World's Fair. Another person was Nikola Tesla who invented alternative current, and used the World's Fair to prove to the world that AC current is superior. Also Tesla's rival Thomas Edison was influenced by the Fair, because he was able to show knew inventions such as the motion picture system that was daubed at the Fair. He used a kinetoscope as a machine for film projection. His invention was used for many years after. Europe also used Edison's invention to create the first movie theaters. Of course George Ferris became very famous during the World's Fair. He was the engineer from Pittsburg that invented the Ferris wheel. His invention helped increase attendance to the Chicago World's Fair and he also earned a lot of money.

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