Sunday, August 22, 2010

#5 - Reflection on Class Discussion

       Imagine being homeless, living a lifestyle consisting of loneliness, being sad, and poor. This is generally how we stereotype the homeless, however in the piece "The Box Man", a homeless man contradicts this stereotype, and is portrayed as being content with his situation. The story also describes two elderly women with different issues whom are alone as well, and compares to how they deal with their perspective of loneliness.

       Yes, the box man is homeless and lives a lonely lifestyle, yet he is content with it. The women in the story, however, are shown in the story are shown to have no one but themselves, and they're not satisfied living that way.

       I believe the author wrote this story to demonstrate a necessary life lesson; happiness is found within ourselves, not the materialistic items to maintain our well-being, and The Box Man demonstrated just that. Sure, he didn't have a bed to sleep on, a steady paycheck to rely on, or food for every meal of the day, however, he is appeased with that, and has found happiness within himself.  The elder women, however, have a decent fortune, and a roof over their head, but are the ones who are the most dissatisfied with their lifestyle, because they haven't found the the essential key to a pleasant life; the happiness within ourselves.

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